Can't Hurt Me
Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins is a book which describes the journey of a black American boy born in almost broken home, abusive father and a mother who was barely holding the things together into becoming the hardest man God ever created. It comes with the prescriptions to come out of your comfort zone, take the challenges and transform your life. Each chapter covers a part of his journey and comes up with a challenge in the end. Chapter One - I should have been a statistic - Gives an overview of his household conditions and takes up a bold decision to leave his father. David moved to Brazil with his mother. “Those raised in abusive households have an increased probability of being arrested as a juvenile by 53% and their odds of committing a violent crime as adults are increased by 38%.” Rather than being the part of the statistic, David decided to fight, take that pain and move. Chapter Two –Truth Hurts - David tells the challenges they face in new town. David came up wi...