How does the Mighty Fall !
Originally what was designated to be an article which eventually got transformed into a small book. It emerged from the wildfire of 2008 GFC where majority of the markets crumbled. Stocks like Lehman Brothers collapsed into bankruptcy after 158 years of growth and success. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, crippled, succumbed to government conservatorship. Merrill Lynch, the symbol of bullish America, capitulated to a takeover bid. From “Good to Great” to “How does the Mighty Fall” - Principles in Good to Great were derived primarily from studying specific periods in history when the good-to-great companies showed a substantial transformation into an era of superior performance that lasted fifteen years. The research did not attempt to predict which companies would remain great after their fifteen-year run. Indeed, as this work shows, even the mightiest of companies can self-destruct. Collins uses data and collects a pack of about 11 companies- A&P, Addressograph, Ames Department Sto...