Can't Hurt Me
Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins is a book which describes the journey of a black American boy born in almost broken home, abusive father and a mother who was barely holding the things together into becoming the hardest man God ever created. It comes with the prescriptions to come out of your comfort zone, take the challenges and transform your life. Each chapter covers a part of his journey and comes up with a challenge in the end.
Chapter One - I should have been a
statistic - Gives an overview of his household conditions and takes up a bold
decision to leave his father. David moved to Brazil with his mother. “Those
raised in abusive households have an increased probability of being arrested as
a juvenile by 53% and their odds of committing a violent crime as adults are
increased by 38%.” Rather than being the part of the statistic, David decided
to fight, take that pain and move.
Chapter Two –Truth Hurts - David tells the challenges they face in new
town. David came up with ACCOUNTABILITY MIRROR – to see yourself as it is and
take action to change. “Being soft when you look in the mirror isn’t going to
inspire the wholesale changes, we need to shift our present and open up our
Chapter Three – The Impossible Task -
Where Goggins decided to go for SEAL training, prepare for tests – physical as
well as mental. He had less than 3 months to lose 106 pounds, write ASVAB exam
and train hard. “I had to choose between physical suffering and the mental
anguish of wondering if that one missed pull up, that last lap in the pool and
quarter mile I skipped would end up costing me an opportunity of lifetime.” All
he knew was to take the pain and get to the purpose.
Chapter Four – Taking Souls – As he
gets to SEAL training, Goggins had to go through some of the harsh and brutal
tests. Hell week was one such test which required top notch mental and physical
strength. He comes up with Taking souls concept – finding your own reserve
power, mindgame you play with yourself – by laughing at that pain, suffering –
take that second wind and ride through it. Be it any situation –at gym, in
office, preparing for competition.
Chapter Five – Armored Mind - After
getting multiple injuries post Hell week, David has doubts that whether he was
willing to give the test again, dilemma going on in personal life and having
financial issues. The idea of armored mind came up –a mindset so calloused and
hard that it becomes bulletproof –you need to go to the source of all your
fears and insecurities. Identify and accept those weak spots and stop running
from past. David passed SEAL after 3 attempts and suffering the Hell Week
Chapter Six – It’s not about a trophy
- From army missions, losing friends and collecting wounds David describes in
this chapter on how he decided to raise funds for his fellow soldiers who lost
their lives and fund the education of their children. He describes the 100 mile
run he completed with almost no training. “ Its funny , humans tend to hatch
our must challenging goals and dreams, the ones that demand our greatest effort
yet promise absolutely nothing, when we are tucked in our comfort zones.” COOKIE
JAR concept – Think of small accomplishments use it to ignite the big ones. “Because in heat of battle we need to draw
inspiration to push through our own exhaustion, depression, pain and misery.”
Chapter Seven - The most powerful weapon –Here, he describes
his training and actual Badwater marathon and HURT 100 incident and how he came
up with the idea of 40% rule. “The bottom line is life is a big mindgame. The
only person you are playing against is yourself.” Goggins describes his own
laws of nature as – We will be made fun of, feel insecure, not best all the
time, face racism, feel alone – GET OVER IT. Grab a cookie, take
Chapter Eight – Talent not required -
It highlights the importance of schedule and auditing that again and again.
From SEAL to training and participating in Triathlete tournament. David was
diagnosed with ASD which required surgery. David was shattered by body this
time. “Evaluate your life in totality – you would find time for more work and
less to waste.”
Chapter Nine - Uncommon amongst
Uncommon – Taking up new challenges from SEAL to Ranger School, and Delta
forces, participating in triathlete tournaments and marathons like Hurt 100,
Badwater – All Goggins wanted was to be uncommon amongst uncommon. “All of us
are torn between comfort and performance, between settling for mediocrity or
being willing to suffer in order to become our best self, all the time.” David
advices to choose uncommon amongst uncommon always and callous your mind. E.g.
Not only getting into Wharton but getting ranked #1 in your class.
Chapter Ten – The empowerment of
Failure- Here, he describes about the pull up challenge (to complete more than
4020 pull ups in 24 hours). David worked with all his heart, mind soul and
describes how from failing twice, finger muscles destroyed and mentally
exhausted, he came back and set a new world record – 4030. He describes the
whole event –from having muscle breakdown to rhabdomolysis, David moved beyond
rationality in that moment. “You can’t prepare for unknown factors, but if you
have a better pre-game focus, you will likely only have to deal with one or two
rather ten.” “There is no gift as inevitable or overlooked as failure.” “Your
entitled mind is dead weight. Cut it loose. Take aim on what you are willing to
earn.” There is a lot of potential in that moment of pain. This chapter gets
out of what humans can do by creating a positive lollapalooza of mental,
physical and emotional strength.
Chapter Eleven –What if covers mainly
the present aspect of his life, at 43, retired from SEAL and BUD/S and Ranger
school graduate- completed more than 60 ultra distance races, went on
battlefield damaged his body beyond repair but David being that uncommon
amongst uncommon has now joined as fire fighter.
WHAT IF is the power and permissions
to face down your darkest demons, your very worst memories and accept them as
part of history “I was the sum total of the obstacles I’d overcome.” “When you
push beyond your perceived capability, mind sends you to spin cycle of doubt
and panic, but when you persist past that point, that pain fully saturates,
boundaries dissolve and you feel connected to yourself.” What if is the
question that you should ask yourself in case of self doubt.
This book takes us through the journey
and establishes a connection that can be felt on every page, every word you
read. Journey of David the kid to being David the toughest creature God ever
created. To sum up as David says and I quote – “To exist in this world, we must
contend with humiliation, broken dreams, sadness and loss. That’s just nature. If
it’s coming to you can’t stop it.” Just take up these challenges, become anti
fragile because these externalities CAN’T HURT ME.
Challenges – Journal what you feel. Give your pain shape and absorb it to reshape. See yourself in the ACCOUNTABILITY MIRROR everyday –write your dream, goals, and insecurities and destroy them by taking little steps with brutal honesty.
To move towards a CALLOUSED MIND – start with journaling your weaknesses, what makes you uncomfortable and do that repeatedly, in small steps.
Take those SOULS by dominating everything you do by WORKING HARDER and GET THE WORK DONE and SMILE AT PAIN. VISUALIZE your goal, challenges and how will you get past those challenges.
Take inventory of your COOKIE JAR, a shortcut to take control of your own thought process. Write it all in your journal and act.
Remove the GOVERNOR FROM BRAIN and HIT next 60% remaining in the tank. Take accountability of your UNDERPERFOMANCE.
Look at whole life, LIST OBLIGATIONS and put a TIMESTAMP on them.
FAILURE and TACTICAL REVIEW – Write out all good things from failure, review it with brute honesty and fix things which can be fixed –USE ACCOUNTABILITY MIRROR, COOKIE JAR, 40% RULE, CALLOUSED MIND and what you have learned so far and EXECUTE.
A must read for any individual as it not only aspires you to push towards your maximum limits but the drive of madness which David carries towards his goals. No matter how harsh situations get, You Can't Hurt Me !