The ONE Thing
The One Thing - Gary connects result and approach - From 14 to 7 to 3 to doing the one thing this week - one which makes everything else seem useless - and the results went over the roof. Key to success is not in all the things we do but in the handful of things we do well. I have covered a few key concepts : The Domino effect - Getting extraordinary result is all about creating that domino in your life. Extraordinary success is sequential not simultaneous. It is done overtime. Success leave clues - Gary take up the examples from corporate world - Apple, Google, Disney, Intel and their ONE THING One Passion One Skill. "We are bombarded with more life choices than our ancestors would face in their lifetime." Part 1 THE LIES -That mislead and derail us. Gary busts some common myths popular in the business world. Success has its own lies too and here Garry tells about the 6 lies - Everything matters equally, Multitasking, A disciplined life, Willpower is always on will...